6 Ways to Speed Up WordPress in Under 5 Minutes

Speed up WordPress in 2024 with these code snippets The following 6 code snippets are really simple to implement and will take you under 5 minutes to do! The first 5 can just be pasted into your theme’s functions.php file for a quick fix. Number 6 would go into your site’s wp-config.php file, but is […]

Display Results of a Specific Taxonomy for a CPT

You’ve made your custom post type (CPT) and you’ve added a custom taxonomy to your CPT. Now you want to actually display the data in that specific taxonomy on a page. You can do this with a query that is very similar to a standard custom post type loop, but it will have some additional […]

Add a Custom Taxonomy to a Custom Post Type

We’ve previously gone over how to setup a custom post type and output the data, but now we’ll take that guide a step further and go over how to setup a custom post type with a custom taxonomy. If you are wondering what a taxonomy is, then you can think of it as a way […]

WordPress Custom Post Type Loop

Custom Post Types are incredibly useful for setting up data structures in the best way possible for any project and they help keep the admin area organized and easy to update. When it comes to displaying your custom post type loop though, it has some differences compared to the default post loop. Seeing as a […]

DOM Events Method of Passing Contact Form 7 Data

I had previously written a post on Passing Contact Form 7 Data to the Thank You Page, but this method of passing the form data with “on_sent_ok” in the additional settings tab is being deprecated and will be abolished at the end of 2017. The reason that Contact Form 7 is making this change is […]

Remove or Customize the WordPress Welcome Email

The wordpress welcome email that new users receive is very bare bones and comes across mechanical and somewhat unwelcoming. The subject line of “[site] Your username and password info” is sure to not stir any excitement in the user about joining your site. The contents that merely list the username, password, and website url don’t […]

Restrict Gravity Forms Datepicker Date Ranges

The gravity forms datepicker doesn’t have any built-in options to customize the date ranges that users can pick from. This can result in the possibility for invalid dates being chosen and also makes for a more difficult user experience. Fortunately, we can restrict the gravity forms datepicker date ranges with some simple javascript code. It’s […]

Automatically Login after User Registration with Gravity Forms

The default behavior in wordpress after registration is to then require the user to login with the account information that they just created. Unless you are using an email confirmation step, this login requirement is an annoying extra step for the user and isn’t necessary. The ideal behavior is to automatically login to the system […]

Randomize Woocommerce Related Products

Woocommerce has a built-in related products section that pulls product recommendations from the assigned categories and tags for the current product. It works as described, but it has its drawbacks with how it works as well. We are going to look at a couple easy-to-implement code snippets that overcome the main flaws of the default […]

Display Categories in the Woocommerce Product Loop

The eCommerce plugin Woocommerce is pretty standard for WordPress retail websites. Woocommerce by default does not display categories on the product loop (shop page), but I recently encountered an instance where we wanted to display all the categories that each product was in within the normal loop. In this case, we also had removed links […]