Display Results of a Specific Taxonomy for a CPT

You’ve made your custom post type (CPT) and you’ve added a custom taxonomy to your CPT. Now you want to actually display the data in that specific taxonomy on a page. You can do this with a query that is very similar to a standard custom post type loop, but it will have some additional […]

Add a Custom Taxonomy to a Custom Post Type

We’ve previously gone over how to setup a custom post type and output the data, but now we’ll take that guide a step further and go over how to setup a custom post type with a custom taxonomy. If you are wondering what a taxonomy is, then you can think of it as a way […]

WordPress Custom Post Type Loop

Custom Post Types are incredibly useful for setting up data structures in the best way possible for any project and they help keep the admin area organized and easy to update. When it comes to displaying your custom post type loop though, it has some differences compared to the default post loop. Seeing as a […]